
18 April

The BIPOLAR is an extremely versately stompbox, ready to take any place you want in your pedalboard. With just 3 knobs you can achieve an incredible spectrum of tones. 

Buffer: a clean, trasparent and silent buffer, perfect for long pedalchains and cables. MOOD knob at 0, Gain at 0, Volume full.

Booster: if you add Gain it becomes a Booster. Clear and trasparent with lower gain, rich and dynamic at higher gain. It can add sparkles and "fatness" to your tone and responds to your picking style.

Overdrive: it's time to play with the MOOD knob! Rotating it will add progressive distortion and facets to your sound. From just a bit crunchy to full overdrive!

Enjoy exploring your tone with new setting: Gain at 0 and MOOD at full? Does a booster before the Bipolar will push it into a FUZZ or a Distortion?

We sent one unit to get a review from Pedal of the day and you can read here the full review.

"Rolling in all the way from Italy, the Bipolar is a surprisingly versatile 3-knob effect pedal, with three truly separate functions that can be mixed and matched with ease, especially if you need them all during a live set. Boasting an anti-noise and anti-RF filter, True Bypass, high quality WIMA caps and being completely handmade, there’s a lot of care and detail that go into each and every one of these pedals."

And here you can see another small video demo:

Other features:
- bicolor led: blue powered, green active;
- anti-noise and anti-RF filter;
- True Bypass;
- each component manually tested and verified;
- High quality WIMA caps;
- Swichcraft jacks
- completely handmade;

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